Technisches Frühstück

Oracle Database Performance Tuning |  Theory and Practice

Oracle Database Performance Tuning | Theory and Practice


DBConcepts GmbH
Lassallestraße 7a
1020 Wien


08:30 - 09:00 Empfang, Begrüßung
09:00 - 12:00 Oracle Database Performance Tuning | Theory and Practice
Mughees A. Minhas
Oracle Corporation



This seminar will introduce core Oracle Database performance management fundamentals and  guide you on modern methodologies to detect, diagnose and tune performance problems in Oracle Database Releases 11g and 12c. Using these techniques and tools, you will learn how to you optimize your database performance with the most up-to-date recommendations and approaches to managing mission critical production databases.

You will also learn how you can quickly assess system performance for any change - from the next generation technologies such as Exadata or Database In-Memory to routine day-to-day administrative tasks.

Duration: 2.5 hours

Students will learn:

  • Database-time based tuning methodology.
  • How to diagnose performance problems and bottlenecks.
  • Causes of SQL regressions and their remedies. 
  • How to tune identified performance problems.
  • How to ensure day-to-day DBA tasks don’t result in performance problems. 


Mughees A. Minhas
Vice President of Product Management Oracle Enterprise Manager | Database Management | Exadata Management | Quality Management at Oracle Corporation.


Kostenbeitrag (exkl. MWST)

€ 32,00 (für Mitglieder: gratis) bei Anmeldung bis 5 Tage vor der Veranstaltung.
€ 52,00 (für Mitglieder : gratis) bei Anmeldung nach 5 Tage vor der Veranstaltung.
€ 32,00 bei Nichterscheinen oder Abmeldung innerhalb 2 Tage vor Veranstaltung (gilt auch für Mitglieder).
Der Kostenbeitrag beinhalten Frühstück, ev. Arbeitsunterlagen und die Pausengetränke. Bitte überweisen Sie den Betrag sofort nach Erhalt der Rechnung auf das Konto der AOUG (Bank Austria AG, BZL 20151, Konto-Nr. 637120007).

Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, daß wir den Kostenbeitrag zur Deckung der entstehenden Kosten auch berechnen müssen, falls Sie am Seminartag nicht erscheinen oder sich innerhalb der letzten 2 Tage abmelden sollten. Sie erhalten dann allerdings die Seminarunterlagen nach Bezahlung der Rechnung zugesandt.Beste Grüße  
      Ihr Vorstand für Seminare

Dipl.Ing. Roland Willhalm
Dipl.Ing. Roland Willhalm
joyn-it informationstechnologie gmbh


Ing. Klaus-Michael Hatzinger



09:00 - 12:00: Oracle Database Performance Tuning | Theory and Practice
Track 1
Mughees A. Minhas
Mughees A. Minhas

Mughees A. Minhas is responsible for all aspects of product management relating to database, systems and quality management solutions at Oracle Corporation. He has more than 18 years of experience working with Oracle products with special interests in the areas of application testing and quality, performance diagnostics and tuning, and SQL optimization. Mughees is a frequent speaker at various Oracle forums and has authored several papers on the internal workings and usage best practices of a wide variety of Oracle technologies. Mughees holds an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Washington University and an MBA from Columbia Business School. He is currently Vice President of Product Management in Oracle Enterprise Manager products division.