15.10.2024 |
09:20 - 09:25: Begrüßung
Track 1
Ing. Klaus-Michael Hatzinger
AOUG Präsident
Begrüßung durch den Präsidenten
09:25 - 10:10: Keynote - The Future of Data, AI and Application Development (EN)
Track 1
Mr Connor McDonald
Oracle’s mission is to make Modern Data-Driven Apps easy to develop and run for all use cases at any scale. Application use cases are rapidly evolving in the era of Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Distributed Architectures. Data has also become increasingly sophisticated, with multiple models and access methods, creating new challenges and opportunities for developers. Discover some of the recent cutting-edge innovations from Oracle, including in Oracle Database 23ai, that help you transform application development, data processing, machine learning, and generative AI and unleash the full power of your data assets.
Ever being frustrated as a child by the single kilobyte of RAM in his ZX80 computer, Connor McDonald has loved the challenges that come with storing data, which ultimately led to a career in database technology. When Y2K did not end the world as people thought, he started presenting on his passions - SQL and Databases, and discovered that he loved helping and sharing his knowledge with the developer community. Since then he has spoken at over 150 conferences around the world. He splits the rest of his time between helping developers via StackOverflow, asktom.oracle.com, YouTube videos and his blog, and helping his rescue greyhound with treats and walks and cuddles.
*** ENGLISH ***
10:10 - 10:55: Oracle Database 23ai New Features: Graph Analytics with the new MATCH clause (DE)
Track 1
Hans Viehmann
Haben Sie schon einmal komplexe rekursive Abfragen geschrieben, um Beziehungen in hierarchischen Daten zu analysieren? Oder, noch schlimmer, haben Sie versucht, indirekte Abhängigkeiten in Datensätzen zu finden, die nicht rein hierarchisch, sondern eher netzwerkartig sind, zum Beispiel in Arbeitsabläufen oder bei der Analyse von Beziehungen zwischen Software-Artefakten in einer IT-Architektur? Der neue SQL:2023-Standard enthält eine „MATCH“-Klausel in Verbindung mit einer „GRAPH_TABLE“-Funktion, um diese Art von indirekten Beziehungen einfacher zu untersuchen. In der „MATCH“-Klausel werden Entitäten und ihre Beziehungen explizit deklariert, so dass die resultierende Abfrage intuitiv und einfach zu pflegen ist. In dieser Sitzung werden wir anhand von Codebeispielen demonstrieren, wie man Diagramme aus relationalen Tabellen erstellt, sie abfragt, Diagramme mit JSON-Funktionen verwendet und vieles mehr. Für den praktischen Teil werden wir hauptsächlich Graph Studio in Autonomous Database verwenden, aber wir werden auch erklären, wie Sie Graphen mit Visual Studio Code abfragen und die Ergebnisse in Oracle Apex visualisieren können.
Hans Viehmann arbeitet für die Oracle Corporation als Director of Product Management. Er leitet ein globales Team von Produktmanagern, die für Oracles Geospatial-Produkte und die Graph-Technologien in der Oracle-Datenbank verantwortlich sind. Mit seinem Team kümmert er sich um strategische Projekte und Partnerschaften, Marketing-Aktivitäten und das interne Bewusstsein für die Spatial- und Graph-Technologien weltweit. Er arbeitet eng mit verschiedenen Oracle User Groups zusammen und war an der Gründung von Spatial und Graph Special Interest Groups in mehreren Ländern beteiligt. Er ist regelmäßiger Redner auf Konferenzen und Benutzergruppenveranstaltungen.
*** GERMAN ***
11:10 - 11:55: Harnessing the Power of Oracle Generative AI for Business Transformation (EN)
Track 1
Edelweiss Kammermann
IT Convergence
This presentation will dive into the transformative capabilities of Oracle Generative AI, showcasing how it integrates Oracle's advanced cloud infrastructure with Cohere's cutting-edge language models and reviewing customization options. The session will include a compelling live demo highlighting the diverse applications of Oracle Generative AI in various industries and emphasizing its adaptability for specific business needs. Attendees will gain both theoretical insights and practical experience, demonstrating Oracle Generative AI's role as a strategic asset for innovative and effective problem-solving in the digital age.
Edelweiss Kammermann is an Analytics, Data Integration & Machine Learning specialist with over 25 years of consulting, project management, and team lead experience.
In the last 10 years, she has been building and managing Analytics and Machine Learning global teams for US and British companies. In her role as SME, she offers analysis, recommendations, and advice to clients regarding their Analytics & ML ecosystem & roadmap.
Edelweiss is an Oracle ACE Director and a frequent speaker at international conferences. Her sessions include talks on Analytics, Data Integration, Machine Learning, and Cloud solutions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Currently, she is working at IT Convergence as Director of AI & Machine Learning
*** ENGLISH ***
13:00 - 13:45: Data Dualities - a Quick Overview of Working Non-relationally with Relational Data (EN)
Track 1
Kim Berg Hansen
- Elevator Pitch -
JSON Relational Duality Views in 23c is the great developer enabler for working with Oracle Database relational data in either a document manner or relational manner, but storing the data only once.
Throughout the versions there have been other such "Dualities": Object views, XML type views, Analytic views and Property Graphs. This session gives a quick overview of these multiple ways of working with your relational data in a non-relational fashion.
- Description -
A marquee feature of Oracle Database version 23c is the JSON Relational Duality view - the great developer enabler that allows working with data in either document manner or relational manner, even though the data is not replicated, but only stored one place as relational tables.
But it is not the only Duality that is built into Oracle. Version 23c also introduces native Property Graph capabilities with the SQL/PGQ extension to SQL, allowing you to query relational data as if they were graphs. And in earlier versions the database introduced Analytic Views to let you query relational data as if they were a dimensional cube, XML Type views to work with relational data as if they were XML, and Object views to let you treat relational data in an object oriented manner.
These Dualities allow you to use all the time-proven features and security of the relational Oracle Database and at the same time utilize the powers of JSON, Graphs, Cubes, XML and OO - all without replicating data to other storage types.
This session will show you a quick overview of the possibilities these dualities bring to your development teams.
- Notes -
This will be a quick overview of the different "dualities" that exist in Oracle for working in non-relational ways with data stored as relational data. The most prominent being the JSON Relational Duality view in version 23c to work on the same relational tables either as JSON or relationally. But the version 23c built-in Property Graph is another duality - viewing and querying relational data as a graph. And the version 12.2 feature Analytic Views is a third duality - viewing relational data as a dimensional cube for slicing and dicing data. Plus the even older features of XML Type views and Object views.
The idea of this session is to provide a quick overview of the capabilities, not to dive deep into syntax.
Kim Berg Hansen is a database developer from Middelfart in Denmark. Originally wanting to work with electronics, he almost coincidentally tried computer programming and discovered where his talent lay, as the programs he did worked well – unlike the electronics projects he soldered that often failed. After that experience he progressed from Commodore Basic on VIC-20 over Modula-2 and C at Odense University to Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, which last two languages he now has worked with extensively since the year 2000. His professional passion is to work with data inside the database utilizing the SQL language to the fullest to achieve the best application experience for the users.
Kim shares his experience and knowledge by writing the Practical Oracle SQL book, blogging, presenting at various Oracle User Group conferences, and being the SQL quizmaster at the Oracle Dev Gym. His motivation is when peers go "now I understand" after his explanations, or when end users "can't live without" his application coding. He is certified Oracle OCE in SQL as well as awarded Oracle ACE Director. Outside the coding world Kim is married, loves to cook, and is a card-carrying member of Danish Beer Enthusiasts association.
*** ENGLISH ***
14:00 - 14:45: 23ai PL/SQL New Features - completely without JSON! (DE)
Track 1
Axel vom Stein
Diese mysteriöse Figur namens Jason aus Block 23a-i ist wirklich in aller Munde. Während die Kombination von PL/SQL und JSON zweifelsohne Sinn macht und in zahlreichen Blogs, Videos und wahrscheinlich auch Konferenzbeiträgen behandelt wird, stellt sich die Frage: Gibt es noch weitere 23ai-Schätze in der Welt von PL/SQL, die einen 45-minütigen Vortrag füllen könnten? Wenn die Suche nach Neuigkeiten in der aktuellen Version nicht ausreicht, werfen wir zum Beispiel einen Blick auf 21c, das nur zwei Blöcke zurück liegt. In den Tiefen von PL/SQL schlummern zahlreiche seltene und oft übersehene Funktionen, die nur darauf warten, ans Licht gebracht zu werden. Es ist also erstaunlich, wie lange wir ohne den berüchtigten Jason aus Block 23a-i auskommen können. Wir werden uns von einer einfachen Prämisse leiten lassen: „PL/SQL ist für alle da“ - für Entwickler und DBAs gleichermaßen.
Axel vom Stein begann nach seinem Mathematikstudium als PL/SQL-Entwickler. Sein Interesse hat sich mehr in Richtung DBA-Themen verlagert und so liegen seine Schwerpunkte und Soft Spots auf HA-Konzepten und Migrationsprojekten. Mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Oracle Database gibt er sein Wissen gerne weiter und unterrichtet Auszubildende und Young Professionals. Er ist Referent auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen wie Collaborate, ASCEND, UKOUG, POUG und den DOAG-Jahrestagungen. Axel ist ein aktives Mitglied der Datenbank-Community der Deutschen Oracle Anwendergruppe (DOAG), Delegierter für das DOAG-Jahrestreffen und Oracle ACE.
*** GERMAN ***
14:45 - 15:30: PostgreSQL OCI managed service - deep dive (EN)
Track 1
Nelson Calero
Nelson Calero
Oracle launched a PostgreSQL managed service in OCI few months ago, with unique features that enhance the community version and improve the database's resiliency. In this session, we will explore using this new OCI service for production deployments, comparing it with a few real-life on-premises scenarios. We will see the impact on operations and features, covering performance, high availability, and disaster recovery.
Nelson is a Computer Engineer and seasoned presenter, having been a presenter since 2008 at almost every major Oracle related conference in North America, Europe, and Latin America, including at Oracle OpenWorld. Nelson works with Oracle on a daily basis as a Principal Consultant for Pythian - the last technical team escalation point handling the Pythian client's most difficult and serious database technical problems.
He is an Oracle ACE Director and Oracle Certified Professional, member of the Board of the Latin American Oracle User Community (LAOUC), and a leader of the Uruguayan Oracle User Group (UYOUG).
*** ENGLISH ***